Episode 58: In AWE of Chrissy Romano Arrabito-Resolve Series
Chrissy Romano Arrabito is a career teacher and proud of it! She is currently a 2nd grade teacher at Nellie K. Parker Elementary School in Hackensack, New Jersey and has over 26 years of experience as an elementary and middle school teacher.
Chrissy is dedicated to teaching the whole child, stimulating and supporting innovation in classrooms, and strives to provide authentic learning experiences for her students. Her true passion lies in nurturing the quiet kids, those that tend to fall through the cracks, those that truly need a champion to support and advocate for them.
Connect with her online @TheConnectedEdu or follow the hashtag #QuietKidsCount.
In this episode, Chrissy teaches us much about the misconceptions we have around quiet kids in classrooms and society, helps bust some myths about extroversion and introversion, and shares her strong voice in advocacy for all learner styles in our classrooms, but specifically for our quiet kids. I loved this conversation and am proud to amplify for you, Chrissy Romano Arrabito’s Resolve story.
Susan Cain The Power of Introverts Ted Talk
Lead with FAITH by Sarah Johnson