Jolt 8: Awe Inspiring Moments
In order to exercise a character strength and inspire listeners to do the same, here are some of the moments that left me awe inspired this week! Please share one of yours at #InAWEtoRISE.
- Shared in this episode is a story where I experienced rejection from a position for which I had applied. The timing of a friend receiving a position TODAY after having her own rejection four months ago reminded me that opportunities close on purpose. The timing was wonderful, healing, and left me in awe to take my own advice. I also reference the blog by Jon Harper linked here.
2. Though I did not want to take on the challenge of a five mile, challenging run, I was convicted to do it one last time from my parents’ home to the arena where my brother’s memory remains. Though there were clouds in the sky leading up to it, when I arrived at the space where a poem is on display with his wonderful picture, the clouds opened. For a moment. The sun beamed down on me, and I knew. My brother was not there, but God was reminding me that God will always be with me even in the pain. When I returned, my devotional was about releasing in peace, and I needed that message on many levels.
3. My daughters and I drove three hours to meet my parents, where they would drive my daughters two more to their house, and I would head 30 minutes further north just so that I could deliver the Balance Like a Pirate message for one hour to a group of principals. I knew from silence and direction the day prior that there was one participant that needed to hear my message. I was completely awe inspired when it was clearly and undeniably revealed to me which person through a conversation at the end of the session. What a gift to know that you are supposed to be in a given space at a given time with someone at that moment!
And of course, more beauty in the world like this.